Edit Topics in ASPDotNetStorefront with Windows Live Writer

As a side effort to the BackOffice and Katmando projects I have built a blogging interface to ASPDotNetStorefront that lets you edit all the topics using Windows Live Writer. This is full WYSIWYG editing of topics inside the template and skin of your website. All you need to add is a few lines to your home page template, a DLL and a new ASHX page. Really simple!

Watch for pictures and more details coming soon!

Katmando Enters the Final Stretch


After a long period of development Katmando is nearing completion. Now in Beta test it is holding up well. In addition to catalogue management a data grid has been added to allow quick access to key product data as a single view, slicing across all categories. This is excellent when you want to make quick updates to a price or inventory amount without having to click through a category tree.


This entire program relies heavily on the rich API provided by the web services extensions to ASPDotNetStorefront. Shortly I expect to return to the BackOffice development effort with a lot of lessons learnt!